Waiting List
After full completion of the registration process, students will be offered a placement in a program of study or on the waiting list if the course is full. Students will have the option to accept or deny the placement offer or otherwise opt out of LBSA program options.
Waiting list applicants will be contacted by phone or email if a course placement becomes available. The applicant must respond within 48 hours to claim the course placement or LBSA staff will extend the placement to the next applicant on the waiting list and the applicant will be removed from the list.
Students are expected to honor the following policies or risk removal from LBSA.
All students are required at all times to have a photo ID in their possession while attending LBSA. The photo ID may be a government issued ID such as a driver’s license, California ID, or LBSA ID. Students are eligible for a school ID after 12 hours of attendance.
The LBSA campus is open to currently enrolled students or those looking to enroll in one of our programs. Anyone else will be asked to leave campus. The staff at adult school will only work directly with the student. We appreciate that parents of our younger students are still supportive of their child's success, however, at LBSA we only work directly with the student, not the parent.
It is a privilege, not a right, to attend LBSA. Students who do not honor this privilege will be removed from adult school.
Students are expected to bring class related notebooks, handouts, and pertinent course materials to class each day.
Students are expected to take all pre and post Reading and Math CASAS assessments as required.
LBSA shares the campus with Reid High School and a Head Start program. LBSA students are not allowed to have any contact with the high school students.
In an effort to provide the community with a safe and productive learning environment, Long Beach School for Adults has established the following guidelines for behavior, dress, and discipline. Students are expected to familiarize themselves and adhere to the policies below. Students who choose to violate the policy may be subject to disciplinary actions including, but not limited to, dismissal from LBSA for a period up to one year. Students who commit criminal acts on the LBSA campus will be dismissed immediately and reported to the local police.
Textbooks and Chromebooks
Some programs loan textbooks and Chromebooks to complete studies. Lost or damaged items are the responsibility of the student. Text book prices vary but range from $50 - $175/book. Chromebook replacement for lost or damaged books is $280.85.
LBSA’s expectation is that all students are respectful to both staff and peers at all times. Any student who inhibits the learning process will be subject to dismissal from all LBSA programs for up to one year.
Cell Phone Use
This is adult school. You CHOSE to attend our school. It is expected that you will be respectful during instructional and lab/classroom time and NOT use phones for personal business. Should you need to, please step outside of the classroom, as to be respectful to your teacher and classmates. While on campus please use headphones and do not listen to your phone or talk on your phone on speaker. If your use of the cellphone in class or on campus is negatively impacting the learning process, you may be subject to dismissal from all LBSA programs for up to one year.
No Smoking
LBSA is a drug and alcohol free campus. This includes coming to school under the influence of or smelling of any drug or alcohol. You will be asked to leave campus if you smell like marijuana, even though you may not be under the influence.
Smoking and the use of all tobacco products, including e-cigarettes and vapes, is prohibited on all LBUSD property. This ban applies at all times to all employees, students, and visitors. LBUSD property includes the parking lot and the area in front of the school fence on Willow.
Students who violate this policy will be subject to dismissal from all LBSA programs for up to one year.
Weapons and Violence
LBUSD has a zero tolerance policy for all weapons, violent acts, gang activity or affiliation. Any student violating this will be subject to immediate dismissal and police involvement. Re-enrollment to LBSA will not be allowed.
In alignment with the Long Beach Unified School District dress code policy, a student’s dress and general appearance should not be such that it draws undesirable attention to the student, nor should dress and appearance detract or interfere with teaching and learning in the classroom and on the campus. It is expected that all students shall maintain their person and clothing in a modest, clean, and age-appropriate fashion. Students who refuse to honor this policy may be subject to dismissal from all LBSA programs for up to one year.
Disciplinary Actions (Consequences)
Students who violate the policies above are subject to dismissal from all LBSA programs for up to one year. Serious offenses such as stealing, cheating, assault, threats, damaging property, or performing an unlawful/illegal act will result in immediate dismissal from LBSA and re-enrollment will not be allowed. All criminal acts will be reported to the police. Students who are dismissed for a policy violation and who have been provided an second chance to return must apply for re-admission to LBSA and have a conference with an administrator in order to re-enroll. Enrollment is based on program availability.
Refunds (CTE classes)
Sometimes it becomes necessary to cancel a class due to low enrollment or a problem with facilities or staff. If LBSA cancels a class, a full refund will be issued automatically. No student initiated refunds will be requested after the first day of class.
Students BP 5145.7
Sexual Harassment
The Governing Board is committed to maintaining a safe school environment that is free from harassment and discrimination. The Board prohibits sexual harassment of students at school or at school-sponsored or school-related activities. The Board also prohibits retaliatory behavior or action against any person who files a complaint, testifies, or otherwise participates in district complaint processes.
Students BP 5145.3
The Governing Board desires to provide a safe school environment that allows all students equal access and opportunities in the district’s academic and other educational support programs, services, and activities. The Board prohibits, at any district school, or school activity, unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying of any student based on the student’s actual race, color, ancestry, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression; the perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. This policy shall apply to all acts related to school.